SNAP, SNAP, SNAP, you hear rapidly as his camera shutters. He puts his camera down for a moment to take in the absolute breathtaking view of the sunset. He admires its beauty in colors, the flaming red burns into the playful yellow, creating a fiery orange. How perfectly they reflect on the clouds almost making them blend in, making them a creamy off-white color. No. . . Bubbly champaign. He slowly yet gently takes his time observing the sunset as he was in no rush, no rush , because this was his home. A place that no one could take away from him. He sees where the sunset hits the beautifully, blue, calm lake. Then he looks left towards the luscious trees. He gently lifts his head up a bit to sniff the crisp, raw scent of the trees. It’s a mixture that fills his nose with delight. GASP, he does, as he was struck with inspiration. SNAP, SNAP, SNAP! He goes again as he takes multiple reflecting photographs of the sunset reflecting off the lake, along with the luscious trees. Quickly he looks at the photographs he took. Slowly a cunning grin started forming on his face as he was pleased with his work and realizes… He’s almost ready for his next set of photographs to come out. He takes one last glance at the fiery sunset, glowing clouds, cool lake, and luscious trees. “I’ll be back, I promise,” he says as he takes one more sniff of the mixture. He packs up his camera, the equipment, and heads to the car. He gets to his car, gently puts his camera and equipment in the back seat, then tosses himself into the drivers seat. He slouches for a bit, exhausted from taking walking and taking photographs all day.
I love writing as a hobby! If you love my work enough to send more support, that'd be great and much appreciated! I don't expect it at all but again it's much appreciated!
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