It felt like forever. One second she saw the air-ships flying and everything exploding and the next it was pitch black. Where had she gone? Why was it so cold? Where was everyone? Why was she all alone? It felt like she had been there for days, weeks, maybe years. But she was wrong, she had only been in the darkness for a few hours. When she finally awoke there was grey smoke everywhere, shrapnel, a few fires, and bodies. She looks down around her and see her own body, Albert’s body and a few others. She looks back up confused, “How is this possible?” She looks back down, “How is it possible that I’m standing as my body is lying on the ground?” She slowly starts to realize what’s happening, “Albert… Where’s Albert??” She starts looking around frantically, breathing hard and fast, almost hyperventilating. “Albert!? Albert Where are you??” Rena starts yelling for Albert. She starts walking slowly, looking for Albert.
Rena keeps walking, looking in every direction for Albert, but as she’s looking she looks at her surroundings again. How long has she been walking for? A couple hours at most because she’s passed at least two different air-ships so far. One was mostly intact but not functional and the second was so damaged it looked like as if it had been ripped in half, with the yellow, red, and black wires sticking out, crow bars sticking out and the controls all broken. Rena stopped and actually looked at everything for a moment. She looks at the ground. Her home. Damaged. Gone. A place she once felt so comfortable in, where she once listened and taught music, where she once felt warmth, where she once read her books, now gone. She falls to her knees and buries her face in her hands and starts crying. She misses her home… Her once filled with buttons home. She even missed her big, uncomfortable bed. She’d rather be there, in that big, uncomfortable bed because at least she felt safe and knew exactly where she was. But most of all… She missed Albert. She needed to find him. She needed to know he was at least okay, “Oh where is he…” Rena wondered. She’s starting to get even more worried. “Is he even … like me? A G-ghost?” She wondered aloud, “Maybe this is a dream.” She closes her eyes tightly for a minute then opened them, looks at her hands and then around her, “Nope.. Not a dream.” She sighs then gets back up and starts walking again, but this time it’s just walking.
Rena walks for a couple more hours and as she’s walking she starts seeing buildings from afar. Full buildings. Not broken or crashed down buildings, but buildings in full tact. With lights. She might even be hearing some noises. People? Music? Cars? She stops for a moment to try to listen to her surroundings. She closes her eyes and smiles, as she hears a soft, smooth, gentle tune. As she slowly starts walking towards the music she stops again. “What’s this?” she thinks. She sniffs the air. “Food?” she wonders. She smells a sweet but savory smell with a hint of beef. No. Chicken. No, pork? She closes her eyes and when she opens them she gets hit with a big whiff of different foods. She starts running towards the food and music and as she does her face becomes wet with tears, “People! There’s people alive!” As she gets closer and closer to this unusual town, she gets more and more excited.
She finally arrives and sees a sign, “WELCOME TO GERMANY.” She closes her eyes, sighs in relief and smiles. She looks towards the sky, with her eye still closed and smells the air again. Salt. Grease. Chicken. She smelt so many smells she knew and so many she didn’t. She kept walking until she reached a city full of people, walking, running, and biking. Some chit-chatting with others, some eating. There were bright but soft lights everywhere, highlighting the streets, restaurants, cafes, buildings, and the people. Rena tries talking to the people but no one responds to her. Instead they walk pass her and ignore her as if she’s not actually there. She tries touching someone’s shoulder by her hand goes through them. She gasps as she realizes, yet again, that she’s not alive. That she can’t interact with the human race again. She slowly looks around her, tears slowly staining her face. The happiness she was once feeling is now gone. Seeing these people, hearing the music, smelling the food saddened Rena. It made her miss her home again, her music, her teaching, and her big, uncomfortable bed. She starts crying even more when she realizes the thing she misses the most. Someone she wished was by her side. If only she knew where he was, if he was okay. She starts to turn around to walk away but before she does she feels a hand on her shoulder. She stops crying, silently gasps and turns around to see the one person she needed to see the most. The one person she had been looking for. “Albert.”
I love writing as a hobby! If you love my work enough to send more support, that'd be great and much appreciated! I don't expect it at all but again it's much appreciated!
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